The Call to Truth and Righteousness For Us All to Become Children of God

God, The Alpha and Omega The First and Last Beginning and End

Made the Heavens and the Earth

We as Christians are Set as Lights in this World to Bring Men and Women to the Glorious Gospel of Our Lord

To Bring Them Out of Darkness and Into Light. For We are Meant to Be Children of the Light Children of the Day. We are Not Ever Children of the Night Nor of the Darkness.

"The Heavens, Even the Heavens are the Lord's, But He has Given the Heart to the Children of Men"

"what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"

The Truth is that God Created All Mankind and He Loves Us All Very Much.

Bring Men and Women to Righteousness Living a Sanctified Christian Life Dependent on God and the Glorious Teaching of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Living and Sinless Life Holy Life and Letting Your Light Shine As You Bring Men and Women to God so that You May Declare Your Good Works to Those Who Don't Have a Relationship With Him and Give Glory to the Father Who Lives on the Throne Forever and Ever. 

Know that.....

"Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves him who is begotten of Him. ren of God, when we love God and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome." Whatsoever

"For God so Loved the World that he Gave his Only Begotten Son that Whosoever Believeth in Him Should Not Perish but Have Everlasting Life. For God did Ever Send his Son into the World to Condemn the World but So that the World Might be Saved through Him."

Set Your Heart on the Truth and His Laws 

For Jesus Was in this World and the World Knew Him Not

He is the Way the Truth and the Life and No One Can Come to the Father Except Through Him

Live By Virtue and Truth and Enter into the Kingdom of Righteousness 

We as Christians Always Want the King to Say to those on his Right, Come You Who are Blessed by My Father Take Your Inheritance the Kingdom Prepared for You Since the Creation of the World.